Immer mehr Kinder an Privatschulen: Ist der Lehrermangel schuld?
Immer mehr Eltern schicken Kinder auf Privatschulen
7.–10. Schuljahr / Langzeitgymnasium / Berufsbildung / Weiterbildung / Höhere Fachschule Wirtschaft HFW
Zunahme von Anmeldungen an privaten Schulen
Zunahme von Anmeldungen an privaten Schulen
Immer mehr Kinder an Privatschulen: Ist der Lehrermangel schuld?
Eltern setzen zunehmend auf Privatschulen
Eltern setzen zunehmend auf Privatschulen
Immer mehr Eltern schicken Kinder auf Privatschulen
Besuchen Sie unsere Infoveranstaltung in Bern-Wankdorf. Nach einer allgemeinen Vorstellung des Feusi Bildungszentrums erhalten Sie detaillierte Informationen zur gewünschten Ausbildung/ Weiterbildung. Sie sind herzlich eingeladen!
Besuchen Sie unsere Online-Infoveranstaltung. Nach einer allgemeinen Vorstellung des Feusi Bildungszentrums erhalten Sie detaillierte Informationen zur gewünschten Ausbildung in Bern-Wankdorf.
Besuchen Sie unsere Infoveranstaltung zum 1.–6. Schuljahr an der Mattenstrasse in Muri Gümligen. Nach einer allgemeinen Vorstellung des Feusi Bildungszentrums erhalten Sie detaillierte Informationen zur gewünschten Ausbildung. Sie sind herzlich eingeladen!

Daily routine and activities


In our Kita/daycare nursery, a regular daily routine is just as important to us as rituals that we perform daily and/or seasonally. We allow the children to experience our daily routine in a playful manner. Furthermore, we also impart knowledge to them in a way that is age appropriate. The children are allowed to give free rein to their imagination during free playtime and to live out their need for movement outdoors in the fresh air or in our jumping corner.




Viewing appointment

Would you like to know more? You're welcome to visit our school to get a better impression. Please feel free to arrange an appointment with us.


Daily schedule

The Kita/daycare nursery is open from Monday to Friday. We care for children aged between 6 months and 4 years of age.

Signpost with four signs

7.00: Daycare opens

The first children are dropped off to the early morning session, which takes place together with the Preschool and Kindergarten in our early service room

Checkroom with children's jackets

7.30 – 9.00: Children are dropped off

All children are collected by their group teachers and go to their groups. Children can be dropped off until 9.00am.

A child sits at a table and eats.

9.00 – 9.30: Snack time

We eat a healthy and varied snack together. First we eat our fruit platter and then we provide other small snacks such as crackers, bread, cheese, cold meats, yogurt with cornflakes, etc. Of course, we take allergies and intolerances into consideration.

Two children wash their hands.

9.30 – 10.45: Ritual – Free play – Activities

After snack, we perform our morning ritual. All children meet in our circle after washing their hands and we sing our welcome song together. All children are allowed to take their photo and “get on board” our Kita train. In the morning circle, we explain to the children whether they’ll do an activity, play freely or go outside.

Woman playing guitar. 4 children listen.

11.30 – 11.45: Lunchtime circle/ pick up

The first children are collected at 11.30am and we say goodbye to them. The parents receive feedback from the group leader on how the day was at the nursery.
All the other children meet for our midday ritual: the midday circle. We sing different songs and play finger or movement games that tie in with our current theme or the season.

A child sits at a table and eats.

11.45 – 12.15: Lunch

After our midday song, we eat our lunch together, which Restaurant Mattenhof delivers to us. The restaurant cooks with seasonal and regional produce and caters to all our wishes.
We prepare the baby food ourselves. We cook the vegetables that the baby is allowed to eat and we freeze any portions that remain uneaten.

Various tooth cups with toothbrushes and washcloths

12.15 – 13.00: Brushing teeth – nap

First, the children brush their teeth independently and then the childcare staff brush their teeth again, accompanied by a toothbrushing song.
Naptime begins and the children who are not asleep rest in our book corner. They look at a book while listening to soft music and take a rest from the morning. All other children go to sleep in our naproom.
The children are allowed to sleep as long as their parents wish them to.

A woman is sitting on the floor showing a picture book to three children..

13.00: Pick up and drop-off time

Some children are picked up and we say goodbye to them. The parents receive feedback from the responsible caregiver on how the day was at the daycare nursery. Some children are brought to us at 13.00pm and spend the afternoon with us.

Drei Kinder spielen am Boden.

14.00 – 15.45: Free play – activities

We do various activities such as reading a book aloud or going to the jumping corner or else we do some creative activity. The children can also play in the free play area or we take them outside to play.

Plate with fruits

16.00 – 16.30: Afternoon snack

We sing a snack song and eat our healthy snack together.

A child sits on the floor and closes his shoes.

16.30 – 18.00: Pick up time – free play

The children can be collected from 16.30pm. From 17.20pm we are on late duty and play until the parents arrive. The daycare closes at 18.00pm.


Festivities and celebrations


We normally hold the following events annually:

  • The Lantern parade at the beginning of November
  • The Christmas play in mid-December
  • End of the school year summer party

Childcare vouchers

Feusi day-care and preschool accept Canton Bern's childcare vouchers. You can find out whether your local municipality issues these vouchers on the cantonal family website  (

The Feusi day-care and preschool accept the childcare vouchers of the Canton of Berne.

Your contact

Daily routine and activities

Sandy Teichert

Kita – 10. Schuljahr
Leitung Kita Preschool

Mattenstrasse 2
3073 Gümligen
031 537 39 39


Insight into our Kita


Share our preschool


Das sagen unsere Kundinnen und Kunden

Melina besucht die Feusi Kita in Muri-Gümligen. Vater Thierry Pache erzählt, dass er die gute Betreuung in Deutsch und Englisch schätzt. Er empfiehlt die Feusi Kita gerne weiter.
Thierry Pache, Tochter Melina
Thierry Pache
Melina besucht die Feusi Kita in Muri-Gümligen. Vater Thierry Pache erzählt, dass er die gute Betreuung in Deutsch und Englisch schätzt. Er empfiehlt die Feusi Kita gerne weiter.
Places are still available


Standort Bern

7.–10. Schuljahr

Max-Daetwyler-Platz 1
3014 Bern

031 537 33 20

Das Gebäude des Feusi Bildungszentrums in Bern-Wankdorf

Standort Muri-Gümligen

Kita Preschool Kindergarten 
Mattenstrasse 2
3073 Gümligen

031 537 39 39

Das Feusi Bildungszentrum in Muri-Gümligen

Standort Solothurn

10. Schuljahr

Sandmattstrasse 1
4500 Solothurn

032 544 54 54

Das Gebäude des Feusi Bildungszentrums in Solothurn
Kundenaussagen Feusi Bildungszentrum



Standort Bern

7.–10. Schuljahr

Max-Daetwyler-Platz 1
3014 Bern

031 537 33 20

Standort Muri-Gümligen

Kita Preschool Kindergarten 
Mattenstrasse 2
3073 Gümligen

031 537 39 39

Standort Solothurn

10. Schuljahr

Sandmattstrasse 1
4500 Solothurn

032 544 54 54

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